This week is strange, because we decided at the last minute to enjoy the holiday weekend. So there is NO DELIVERY this week unless you want to wait until wednesday. I can hook you up with the farm directly if you would like to visit the farm and pick up yourself (which is a lovely visit and overall experience to know where your food is coming from). Just email me if you want to order directly. This week orders are due by friday at noon.
From Next Step Produce ...
The following are all certified organic
* Heirloom watermelons - small seeded red ($4/each), large seeded red ($10/each) large seeded yellow ($10/each)
* Watermelons - medium seedless red, orange, or yellow @ $8/each
* cherry tomatoes (red or yellow) @ $3.50/pt
* regular red tomatoes @ $2.80/lb
* heirloom pinks/purples/blacks tomatoes @ $3.80/lb
* heirloom yellows/oranges/marbled tomatoes @ $3.80/lb
* tomatillos @ $5/quart
* green bell peppers @ $2.50/lb
* ripe red bell peppers @ $5/lb
* italian eggplant @ $2/lb
* asian eggplant @ $4/lb
* zucchini (green and yellow) @ $2.50/lb
* summer squash (yellow straightneck) @ $2.50/lb
* slicing cucumbers @ $2.00/lb
* yardlong beans (green or purple) @ $3/bunch
* flat pole beans @ $3/pint
* parsley bunch @ $2.50
* cilantro bunch @ $2.50
* dill bunch @ $2.50
* basil bunch @ $3
* calaloo bunch @ $3/bunch
* sweet potato greens @ $3/bunch
* red malabar spinach @ $3/bunch
* large red gold or carola potatoes @ $2/lb
* small carola potatoes @ $5/qt
* regular onions @ $3/lb
* garlic or elephant $8.50/lb (typical head is $1.75)
From Fresh Start Farm:
* free range, organically fed medium eggs @ $2.50/dz
* heritage breed chickens available now @ $2.50/lb with typical weights under 4 lbs (these types of chickens are good for roasting and have small breast compared to the cornish hens)
*** Cornish hens will be available again at the end of September, and then NOT AGAIN UNTIL SPRING. Order now!
From Me:
* kombucha starter and instructions @ $3 (ask for a taste if you've never had this fermented beverage)
Please remember that between nature and labor, sometimes not everything on the list is actually harvested according to plan.
New Cold Frames
15 years ago
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