This week orders are due by friday at noon.
From Next Step Produce ...
The following are all certified organic
** Important Note ** All Next Step Produce Orders are now requested to be by the piece. So we order 1 bag of salad mix or 2 bunches of kale or (here's the new one) 4 onions - even though they are priced by the pound. So for all items which are priced by the pound, just type in the number of pieces you want not the weight you want to take home. The pricing on the google order sheet will not be correct until I pick up the produce and get the weight of your pieces.
* slicing cucumbers @ $2.00/lb
* summer squash - yellow straight neck, green zucchini, or yellow zucchini @ $4/lb
* parsley bunch @ $2.50
* basil bunch @ $3
* raddichio head @ $6.40/lb
* swiss chard (white, yellow or rainbow rib) bunch @ $3
* curly kale bunch @ $3
* green cabbage @ $2.40/lb
* fennel bulb @ $4/lb
* carrot bunch @ $3
* sweet or regular onions @ $3/lb
* red gold or carola potatoes @ $2/lb
From Fresh Start Farm:
* free range, organically fed medium eggs @ $2.50/dz
From Me:
* kombucha starter and instructions @ $3 (ask for a taste if you've never had this fermented beverage)
Please remember that between nature and labor, sometimes not everything on the list is actually harvested according to plan.
New Cold Frames
15 years ago
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