Sorry for the short notice! This week orders need to get to me by noon friday. Here's this week's food options:
From Next Step Produce ...
The following are all certified organic
* butternut squash @ $2.50/lb
* salad mix bag @ $3
* mesclun mix (baby lettuce & baby greens + baby arugula) bag @ $3
* spinach bag @ $3
* baby arugula bag @ $3
* cress bag @ $3
* mache bunch @ $3
* Asian greens - mei qing choi @ $3.60/lb or tat soi bunch @ $3
* vitamin green bunch @ $3
* rapini bunch @ $3
* mustard greens bunch (green wave or mizuna) @ $3
* kale bag (winter mix) @ $3
* collard greens bunch @ $3
* leeks @ $3.60/lb
* turnips bunch (hakurei) @ $3
* beets (small with lots of greens) bunch @ $3
* radish bunch (rosy or green meat) @ $2.50
* daikon radish @ $2/lb
* celery root @ $3.60/lb
* sunchokes @ $4.50/lb or a pint @ $5
* pint of garnet sweet potatoes - small @ $3
* garnet sweet potatoes - large @ $2.20/lb
* satina potatoes -large (yellow with buttery texture) @ $2.50/lb
* satina potatoes - quart of small @ $5
* sieglinda potatoes -large (yellow and excellent baked) @ $2.65/lb
* sieglinda potatoes - quart of small @ $5
* garlic (regular or elephant) @ $8.50/lb (approx $2/bulb)
From Good Fortune Farm:
* pastured, free range, organically fed turkeys $3/lb for a 1/2 turkey of about 16 lbs
or for individual parts (thigh, legs, wing)
From a farm in St. Mary's County:
* homemade scrapple @ $2.50/lb in 1 lb paper wrapped packages
From Fresh Start Farm:
* free range, organically fed medium eggs @ $2/dz
Please remember that between nature and labor, sometimes not everything on the list is actually harvested according to plan.
New Cold Frames
15 years ago