How Does This Work?

Every week, we visit local farms, talk with the farmers, and purchase the freshest, yummiest food. We support farmers who nurture their soil, strive for sustainable farming practices, and don't use harmful or questionable products. Each week, you choose a la carte from the list of available food and pay for what you choose. We pack your share into reusable containers and you get your food. You, in turn, leave us the empty containers from last week's order and arrange payment. It's that simple!

To assist in your enjoyment of local produce, we will share storage information, preparation tips, recipes and ways to use new foods via this blog.

Sometimes, customers will have the option of adding eggs, honey, meat, cheese, mushrooms, bulk fruits, and other foods to their orders. Monthly, we order dry goods and food staples from Neshaminy Valley Natural Foods (based in Philidelphia, PA). These additional options are called Special Orders.

Is the food organic? Organic is such a key word these days. We go for local first, choosing farms that are as close as possible to the LaPlata area. Whenever there is an organic option, we will go with that. After that, we look for farmers who use IPM (integrated pest management), composting, and other sustainable practices. If you would like your food to be strictly organic, just let us know when you become a customer!

There are three membership options:
I) Weekly delivery to your home - cost $12/month + mileage charges
II) Weekly pickup at my home - cost $12/month
III) Special Orders Only - cost $5/order

Monday, October 27, 2008

Free Range Local Pork Available

Wow, I just visited Lance Estevez's farm in Port Tobacco for the first time. He grows animals and vegetables in a humane, sustainable way. He is currently raising pigs (female), chickens, and turkeys. The fenced enclosures for each type of animal move to new ground frequently. They are fed conventional grain with absolutely no added hormones, antibiotics, or anything else. Baby pigs are fed a mineral-rich pig feed until they are able to sustain themselves on grain and foraging. The love rooting around in the fallow corn fields and woods. The egg laying hens have one rooster to keep them happy and a regular visiting rooster from a neighboring farm. Next year, he will be trying out some different chicken breeds. Next year he will be starting a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program for vegetables and possibly eggs if he gets around 10 people interested.

So if you are interested in local, antibiotic and hormone free, humanely grown pork, there are about 5-6 pigs available. If you want to split a pig, just let me know. The price is $3/lb of cut and wrapped pork. A half pig contains typically 60-80 lbs of meat. This is a complete price with no extra charges. Lance humanely kills the pigs and there are two options for getting the meat prepared depending on whether you want sausage seasoned and other such details. Interested? Contact me and I'll pass on his email address to you (and please tell him I gave you his name!).

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