The cold weather has decreased the types of greens available this particular week. Orders due by friday at 11 am. I am getting the veges on sunday this week, so delivery/pickup will be sunday morning.
From Next Step Produce:
The following are all certified organic
*** Order # of pieces you want - even if the charge is by the pound.
* lettuce mix @ $3/bag
* kale @ $3/bunch
* daikon radish @ $3/bunch
* small fingerling beauregard sweet potatoes @ $3/pint
* butternut squash @ $2/lb
*** Order these things by the pound or fraction thereof:
* med-large beauregard sweet potatoes @ $2.40/lb
* sunchokes @ $5/lb
From It's Only Natural Farm:
* free range, organically fed medium eggs @ $2.50/dz
Please remember that between nature and labor, sometimes not everything on the list is actually harvested according to plan.
New Cold Frames
15 years ago