Welcome Fall! This week I am only taking orders from folks that can pick up from my house on monday night or tuesday morning. Only the flat order fee of $2 will apply to orders this week. Please keep in mind that I need to store your food until you pick it up and my refrigerator does not have lots of space so the faster pickup the better :-)
Also, this is the week for Neshaminy Valley Natural Food orders. Due to me on sat, the truck comes next wednesday. If your order has nothing that has to be kept cold, it can stay here until the following monday. If you have things to be kept in freezer/fridge, you will need to pick it up wednesday after the truck comes (I'll call you).
Orders due by 11 am saturday.
From Next Step Produce:
The following are all certified organic
*** Order EVERYTHING by the # of pieces you want - even if the charge is by the pound.
* asian persimmons @ $5/lb (small size)
* figs @ $5/half pint (mixed varieties)
* grape kiwis @ $5/ half pint
* che fruit @ $5/half pint (this is an asian mulberry. it is round and red. firm, but juicy when bitten into. very nice flavor.)
* acorn squash @ $2.50/lb
* butternut squash @ $2/lb
* sunshine squash @ $2.50/lb (red kuri type. beautiful to look at - bright orange skin and shaped like a flattened pumpkin, and delicious for pies, and soups.)
* red hybrid tomatoes @ $3/lb
* yellow/orange heirloom tomatoes @ $4/lb
* pink/purple heirloom tomatoes @ $4/lb
* red cherry tomatoes @ $4/pint
* yellow cherry tomatoes @ $4/pint
* green peppers @ $2.40/lb
* red bell peppers @6/lb
* yellow bell peppers @ $6/lb
* red corno di toro frying peppers @ $6.80/lb
* asian eggplant @ $3.60/lb
* italian eggplant @ $3/lb
* okra @ $4/pint
* sweet potato greens @ $3/bunch
* regular onions @ $3/lb
* garlic bulb @ $8.50/lb (typical bulb costs $1-$1.50)
From It's Only Natural Farm:
* free range, organically fed medium eggs @ $2.50/dz
Please remember that between nature and labor, sometimes not everything on the list is actually harvested according to plan.
New Cold Frames
15 years ago